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Dear Abbot

Country: France, Language: French, 35 mins

Original Title

Monsieur L'abbé
  • Director: Blandine Lenoir
  • Writer: Blandine Lenoir
  • Producer: Nicolas Brevière

CGiii Comment

How the naive were screwed (and still are) by the church...

There is no weak story, no weak link in this devastatingly sad reflection on the sanctimonious stance the church takes with regard to the most natural of

If you are not reduced to tears - then, you are one of those sanctimonious bastards who made millions of lives miserable...still.

Knowledge is power - let us all learn...and, quash these hypocrites.

An astounding, beautifully composed film...

The(ir) Blurb...

In the 1930s and 40s, the priest Jean Viollet, an abbot in French Normandy, was publishing a review which would answer the wide-ranging very practical sexual questions of his readers. How can we love each other without having eight children? Why is pleasure guilty? How to reconcile catholic morality and conjugal love? Using the letters, the film unfolds a portrait of rural France, the ignorance, the fears, the will to be part of the flock and a constant obsession for repressing sexuality.

The script is based on a book L'Amour en toutes lettres, questions à l'abbé Viollet sur la sexualité (1924-1943).

Cast & Characters

Margot Abascal;
Joel Beauchamps;
Julien Bouanich;
Marc Citti;
Anais Demoustier;
Jeanne Ferron;
Nanou Garcia;
Pierre Giafferi;
Benoit Giros;
Sterenn Guirriec;
Jean-Pierre Lazzerini;
Manuel Le Lievre;
Fanny Lefebvre;
Blandine Lenoir;
Elisa Lifshitz