America's Rainbow Film Festival
Premier Urban/Minority/Diverse LGBT(Q)I(A) Film Festival For All Pride Colors In The Spectrum. Founded and presented annually since 2016. Year-round programming, screenings, filmmaking institute (geared towards developing new screenwriters, filmmakers and actors), panels and parties.
Urban Rainbow Film Festival celebrates all forms of domestic and international quality films made by and/or starring Urban/Minority LGBT(Q)I(A) Community Members as part of our mission to break the stigma and stereotyping worldwide.
Urban Rainbow’s programming includes the annual Urban Rainbow Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersexual & Allies Film Festival, showcasing domestic and international LGBT(Q)I(A) films as well as year-round filmmaking and screenwriting competitions, screenwriting labs, filmmaking (directing and producing) labs, select film screenings, movie premieres, innovative panels and party events.