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Dear Sweet Jesus...

Stonewall Poster...a tiny part of the world has gone stark raving mad.


A few people out there are getting their knickers in a twist...about a film...that they haven't seen yet!

That film is Roland Emmerich's Stonewall-inspired Stonewall...and these knicker-twisted 'activists' (for want of a better word) want everyone to boycott the film is not a true representation of what happened...(because they weren't there, they haven't seen the film...wethinks: bandwagon, jumping).

Okay...let's take this a little further, this is not a complex extrapolation...why not call to boycott every Hollywood film on the same grounds?!?!

Remember The Imitation Game?!??! Not exactly the most truthful/accurate account of Mr Turing's life. Did we hear any outcries then? No.

Then why now?

(1). Because...history is being white/cis-washed by white cis gay men...this reason has been gleaned from the 2 minute trailer...via Pat Cordova-Goff, originator of the 20,000 plus signed petition...and a rather cringing YouTube film calling for action.

(2). Because - this reason has been gleaned from a life-time of being gay - these knicker-twisted 'activists' (for want of a better word) are - in the great scheme of things - merely children who expect the world to revolve around them and them alone. Children throwing all their toys out of their cradles because...they can...they have no voice...they have no history.

They've tied themselves up - inextricably - with ridiculous, post-post modernist, branding labels...queer, cis, binary, non-binary, normative, non-normative, gender this, gender that, pomosexual, pansexual, womyn, myn, * flatulence!!!

What is that asterix (*) all about? And, this reclamation/reappropriation of the word 'queer'...for many [men] that word still hurts, little girls were never called 'queer' in the schoolyards of yesteryear, the little boys were...and, yes, it hurts. It will always hurt.

Queer - one day - may become an all-encompassing, inclusive term. But, until we - who remember the pain - all shrivel and will always be exlusive. about sharing your self-centred sensitivities and recognising that others in this so-called [great] LGBT community of ours have sensitivities too! Surely you must recognise the harm you can do when you paint everyone with the same brush? Or, do you?

Recently, in Glasgow, a knicker-twisted activist (for want of a better word) group banned drag queens from appearing in their splinter Pride event - because (you can't make this up)...drag queens offend the trans*(there's that asterix again) community. Seriously?!?!?! After a well-deserved Twitter barrage...they relented, with egg collectively smeared - ungloriously - over their faces...saying, we made a mistake. Well, sometimes, mistakes cannot be so easily rectified. Think! Before...oh don't bother, you will always come out with something more ridiculous than before...boycott Stonewall!!!

Admittedly, being LGBT now is different from being LGBT then...most of the groundwork has been done. In some parts of the world, the struggles are becoming less - Europe, North America... It must be jolly frustrating for these young armchair activists...find your role. We were the can be the designers, the decorators...but, be credible. You can't have everything your own can.

Alas, in other parts, Asia, Africa...the struggles are struggling and need constant help and support.

So...if you are going to boycott Stonewall...make it count - donate your entrance fee to a worthy cause. Or, less worthy, shut-up and make your own film...there are 20,000 plus producers waiting to put their money where their electronic signatures's time - armchair activists - to emerge from your comfy cradles, to throw off your descriptive labels and be you.

In our day, we had to hide, you don't need to...behind your labels, those erroneous causes...wake up, smell the's delicious. You've never had it so good.

Stonewall - the film - may turn out to be a load of Hollywood twaddle. It may turn out to be the greatest film ever made. It doesn't matter, it's Hollywood. What does matter got made.

It's not a question of who threw the's the fact that the brick got thrown.

Anderson Cutler...not queer...not cis...just gay.