The TEDDY Winners 2018...
The TEDDY Winners 2018
Best Feature Film
Tinta Bruta
By Marco Reolon, Filipe Matzembacher
Jury Statement: The TEDDY fiction feature award goes to a movie which beautifully tells the story of a boy reconnecting himself with the real world. In a unique and creative cinematic form, the film captures the fierce strugglebetween fear and desire. Music, lights and colours culminate in a pure expression of the protagonist’s feelings, gradually becoming his means to reconcile body, heart and soul. For its incredible directingachievement and tremendous cast, the TEDDY jury is proud to award Tinta Bruta / Hard Paint by Marcio Reolon and Filipe Matzembacher.
Best Documentary Film
Bixa Travesty (Tranny Fag)
By Claudia Priscilla, Kiko Goifam
Best Short Film
Three Centimetres
By Lara Zeidan
DIE TEDDY Jury Award
Obscuro Barocco
By Evangelia Kranioti
L`Oreal TEDDY Newcomer Award
By Alvaro Delgado Aparicio
TEDDY Readers` AWARD powered by Mannschaft Magazin
Las Herederas (The Heiresses)
By Marcelo Martinessi