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God by the Neck

Country: Spain, Language: Spanish, 16 mins

Original Title

Dios por el Cuello
  • Director: José Trigueiros
  • Writer: José Trigueiros
  • Producer: Andrea Giannone; Bernardo Gomez

CGiii Comment

So very chilling...

A beautifully composed, blood-boiling film!

Bless them...they know not what they do!



The(ir) Blurb...

It's Sunday, and Pablo, 8 years old, has an invitation to a very special but also forbidden birthday party. It's Sunday, and for the first time, Pablo is going on a door-to-door preaching with his mother. It's Sunday, and behind each door, there is a challenge, a test, a surprise. It's Sunday.

Cast & Characters

Marc Betriu as Pablo;
Amalia Sancho as Montse;
Toni Cayuela as Portero;
Txell Aixendri as Vecina;
Sergio Sangiao as Adolescente;
Emilio Cifuentes as Ateo;
Luis Espinosa as Aurelio;
Adria Guadagnoli as Madre de Joana;
Maria Betriu as Joana;
Ester Bescos