Law of Love (The)
- Director: Barbora Chalupová
- Producer: Pavla Klimesová, Martina Strunc
CGiii Comment
The homophobic hate that is spewed throughout this film should be an urgent cause and case for concern and action...especially for the [impotent] powers of the European Union.
Newer members of the Union [i.e. Eastern Europe] have joined with absolutely no intention of following all the rules...namely the European Convention on Human Rights. This is NOT an optional membership perk. This is law. Yet, they flout it with little to no recrimination.
Each person who spewed their hate on-screen should be identified, charged and brought to trial...this hate has spread throughout Europe like a virus...freedom of movement = freedom to hate. The church has to be completely exorcised from the State...otherwise this venom will persist, spread and grow.
There are some who stand defiant for Equality...there are many who leave to find Equality elsewhere. Those who remain do so out of patriotic pride and duty...to help, to change, to improve...for themselves, for others and for the younger generations. And...they do so with dignity and intelligence...indeed, it's an uphill battle. But, if you keep on chipping away, there will be a level playing field someday, you just have to believe. Without belief...where would all we be? How ironical is that!?!
A good place to start is by dismantling those hate-fuelled religious institutions brick-by-brick...by disassociating them from the State and coercing them into facing the full might of European Law.
Respect to those who remain and for those who fight.
The(ir) Blurb...
After co-directing the successful documentary Caught in the Net, filmmaker Barbora Chalupová makes her debut with this tragicomic documentary road movie, following the path of a law that could affect millions of lives. “The Law of Love” guarantees everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, the right to marry – and it is supported by the majority of Czechs. Who, then, is bothered by this bill that has stirred up so much passion, such atypically emotional response? What, for that matter, is the difference between marriage and registered partnerships?
The film takes viewers on a nail-biting journey through Czech society, starting with a petition drive, moving through televised quarrels and culminating in the parliamentary debates leading up to a key vote. The struggle between the progressive and conservative parts of the Czech public is demonstrated by politicians at their speeches and appearances. Still, lack of education, worries, fear and paralysing indecision aren’t the only obstacles the bill must overcome. Are we really as liberal as we make ourselves out to be? And will love truly prevail over lies and hate in the end?