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Country: USA, Language: English, 14 mins

  • Director: Bryan Horch
  • Writer: Bryan Horch
  • Producer: Matt Bucy; Amanda Hannan

CGiii Comment

One of the funniest and most bizarre short films ever utterly joyous experience.

Played to perfection with an immaculate soundtrack....helmed by a director with an envious amount of talent and imagination. And, a sharp eye for detail.

Quite brilliant.



The(ir) Blurb...

Corey and Nelson are finally ready to upgrade their old lumpy futon to a grown-up bed. The problem is, Nelson is too uptight to shop for a bed with his husband. When Nelson goes into a bed store alone, he's confronted by a "user-friendly" Smart Bed(TM) that drills him with personal and presumptive questions based on the gender of his sleeping partner. Much to his chagrin, Nelson becomes an unwitting spectacle for the gawking suburban customers. Will the promise of a fifty percent discount for being the first "out and proud" customer, and his sudden celebrity status motivate Nelson to achieve his mission- or will he run home defeated and cry into his threadbare futon?

Cast & Characters

Walter Replogle as Nelson;
Ben Lerman as Corey;
Richard Ballon as Jeff;
Nathan Tetreault as Lorenzo;
Shawn Maroney as Smart Bed;
Liz Agravante-Bazan;
Colin Allen;
Rae Banigan;
Richard Bravman;
Miguel Candelaria