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I Only Watch

Country: Spain, Language: Spanish, 18 mins

Original Title

Yo Solo Miro
  • Director: Gorka Cornejo
  • Writer: Gorka Cornejo; Gonzalo Garcia Chasco
  • Producer: Koldo Zuazua

CGiii Comment

What is infidelity?

An intense film that tries to answer that very question...and, does a pretty good job at it.

Only complaint...there was no need to show the explicit porn.


Yo sólo miro [I Only Watch] from Kimuak on Vimeo.

The(ir) Blurb...

EU: Juliak eta Eduardok, itxuraz, ezkonbizitza arrunta dute. Itxuraren atzetik, ordea, oso bestelakoa da errealitatea: elkarri dioten txeraren atzean, elkar ezagutzen ez duten bi pertsonaren bakardadea dago.

ES: Julia y Eduardo forman un matrimonio aparentemente convencional. Sin embargo, detrás de las apariencias hay verdades inimaginables, como detrás del cariño mutuo se halla la soledad de dos personas que no se conocen.

EN: Julia and Eduardo are married and they look like a conventional couple. However, unimaginable true facts appear behind appearances. They are two lonely strangers behind reciprocal affection.

Cast & Characters

Susi Sanchez as Julia;
Joan Crosas as Eduardo;
Iker Lastra