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Country: Portugal, Language: Portuguese, 11 mins

  • Director: Fábio Freitas
  • Writer: Fábio Freitas
  • Producer: David Pedroso; Tania Serafim

CGiii Comment

Beautifully composed...with a rather lovely [and subdued] palette...just like the film.



The(ir) Blurb...

Genesis 2:8. «And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed». In this story, João (Nuno Pardal) and Pedro (Pedro Sousa Loureiro) live in this garden. What João wants the most is for Pedro to be happy and the only way he found to make that happen is to support him in his escape with Sara (Sara Barros Leitão). On the other hand, Pedro learned how to love João and does not want to leave the garden. But one of them ate the forbidden fruit…

Cast & Characters

Nuno Pardal as Joao;
Pedro Sousa Loureiro as Pedro;
Sara Barros Leitao as Sara