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The Other Database...

We do strive to include every film that has been screened at the LGBT film festivals around the world.

Life does become a little more difficult when they [the films] don’t have an IMDb entry...therefore, they end up here...films in dire need of publicity/promotion/marketing...

2013 - UPDATED: October 2023






¿Quién Mató A Shirley?

Andrés Bastidas


Una mirada profunda del director a un día en la vida del artista drag queen Mauricio Erazo (Shirley Stonyrock), donde surgen varias preguntas, pero lo principal es saber Quien mato a Shirley?


Baek Ingyu


Gay teen Candy can’t seem to make friends at high school. He is drawn to Cheolsoo, who is also a loner, but neither has the ability to save one another. Candy, now an adult, is living with Cheolsoo. He goes to meet his First Love, so he can get rid of an older man who is annoying him, but the former eventually deserts him. In the end, it is Cheolsoo who accompanies Candy to meet the older man, but Cheolsoo cannot help Candy.

28 Days 

Emily Pelstring


Canada / 3:09 mins
This video pays stylistic homage to girl punks and 1960’s rock and roll girl groups. Camera moves and mise-en-scene are inspired by the 1963 music film for “He’s Got the Power” by the Exciters. The video responds to the song’s theme of menstruation by presenting a series of celebratory images of female solidarity.

A Boy /
En Pojke

Alkis Papastathopoulos


Greece / 5 mins
En pojke deals with masculinity as a regulatory identity that still manages to suppress the way a person creates, falls in love or has sex. Under the power of patriarchy every other, subversive, gender behavior seems sometimes like it is bound to suffocate.

A Hundred and Eleven

Hieu Tran



Actual TV Picture
Actual TV Picture 

William E. Jones


USA / 7 mins


Giles Lovell-Wilson


Chile / 8 mins
A crazy love triangle…

Andiamo in Pace

Ruggiero Cilli


Italy / 30 mins
A number of interviews taken in the province of Piemonte, Italy, at the time when the former pope announced his resignation. Several people express their views on themes like gay rights.

Andrea Que Voz Hay Que Tener
Un Melodrama Rioplatense

Edgar De Santo


Argentina / 28 mins
¿Qué voz hay que tener?
"Poco podría contarles de particular acerca de mi historia si no fuera por los cambios que tuve a partir de mi pubertad. Cambios que en parte todos conocemos, que todos vivimos. Pero a veces la biología hace sus bromas. Y nuestra sociedad tiene bastante poco sentido del humor con ciertas cuestiones."
Con esta frase se nos presenta Andrea que nos llevará por un viaje diferente, por un paisaje actual, espeso. Los estereotipos, las citas, el humor ácido, la reflexión, la identidad, el amor, la muerte y los sueños construyen una obra donde el concepto de género, en sólo 30 minutos, arma un nuevo contrato con el espectador. 
Andrea: una voz imborrable para escuchar...como un mar.

Animal de Fantasía

Olivia Portillo Rangel


México / 29 mins
En este filme producido por el Centro Universitario de Estudios Cinematográficos. nos acercamos a Rivera cuando decide tomarse la danza de manera personal, de denuncia, transgresión, provocación e irreverencia, desarrollando una de las propuestas con más calidad en el activismo mexicano.

Are you gay? Bigma Got Some Good Advice!

Stephanie Harris


USA / 13 mins
Bigma explains in a loving way Sodom and Gomorrah to her gay son Troy and his friends. Her straight son Rocki doesn't want to listen, but for 20 dollars he does. Bigma lays down the law, but she explains that some people are born with gay tendencies, but others chose to be gay from great pain and sorrow growing up. She also advises them on what God expects from them being gay. In the end, Rocki comes to understand that God loves gays too, he gets his 20 dollars, and everybody’s happy.

At First Sight /
A Primera Vista

Oscar Lullaby


Chile / 2 mins
A primera vista cuenta como se puede dar una situación donde tus sentidos desafían la realidad y te pueden hacer tropezar.

Attention! Trans at School / Dikkat! Okulda Trans Var

Barış Sulu


Turkey / 25 mins
What six trans men were exposed to during school years in a country where heterosexuality is sanctified and being an LGBT individual is perceived as an ‘illness’ by the majority.

Au Dela Des Images
Au-Delà des Images

Laurent Maurice Lafontant


Canada / 20 mins
Dans les communautés noires il peut-être difficile de parler d’homosexualité. Et si on découvrait le revers de la médaille et donnions enfin la parole à des hétérosexuels ?
Une mère d’origine haïtienne, un jeune camerounais à la maîtrise et une étudiante rwandaise racontent leur cheminement vis-à-vis de l’homosexualité, et la façon dont ils ont choisi d’aller au-delà des apparences et des étiquettes pour découvrir les personnes qui se cachent derrière.

Poetic documentary about three heterosexuals with different background who talk about the stereotypes they once had toward homosexuality. In this short film, they also share with us how they chose to overcome these prejudices in order to discover the real people behind these pre-conceived labels.

Balcony Beers And Black Plastic
Balcony Beers and Black Plastic

Myrtle Boys




Christine Bylund


Sweden / 8 mins
No one would ever guess, no one would ever imagine. Not girls like you and me, not in a place like this. Ever. 

Billy & Alan Vicki Nantz
Billy & Alan

Vicki Nantz


USA / 37 mins
When Orlando Weekly writer, Billy Manes, lost his partner, Alan, he nearly lost everything he owned to homophobic "in-laws" who swept in to claim Alan's body and his earthly possessions. In anti-gay Florida, where same-sex relationships are not recognized or afforded any legal protections, Billy had to fight to keep his home and the wedding ring on his finger. For gay couples in the still unequal South, what happened to Billy Manes is all too common. Can it happen to you?

Black Glitter Collective / Daddie’s Plastik

San Cha,
Tyler Holmes,
Vain Hein


Persia, USA / 3 mins
I just wanna wanna be white! Anti-gentrification drag in a music video.

Bright Sparks & Darkness

Tom Stock


USA / 6 mins
Inspired by Hollywoods great silent shorts and the expressive actresses featured within them, Bright Sparks & Darkness pays explores those themes within a contemporary setting. Peter Dillon plays a man who is pensive about his plans for the evening. As he smokes excessively, he begins to create a persona that helps him cope and allows him to earn the money he desperately desires. The thing he does for love may surprise you.

Brontez and Rick

Travis Mathews


A late-20s gay black punk and sometimes drug dealer forms an intimate bond with a middle-aged white photographer who lives a wildly different life.


Kim Head


UK / 8:26 mins
An engaging montage and split screen follows Sarah and Phil as they separately prepare for a night out. Tonight their paths are destined to cross and there is an instant attraction – even if it was not quite what they thought they were looking for.


Mathieu Sanchez,
Hélène Barrier


France / 13:48 mins

Che amore potrebbe popolare questo luogo?

Valentina Pellitteri,
Jean Elia


Italy / 58’
At the third edition of the Sicilia Queer filmfest, held in 2013, one of the mornings was dedicated to a discussion among some of the guests. Paul Vecchiali – president of the jury of that edition – Vincent Dieutre, Arnold Pasquier, Cosimo Terlizzi, gathered around a table with Éric Biagi and Andrea Inzerillo who invited them to dialogue starting from a simple question: what is independence in cinema? The conversation, filmed by Valentina Pellitteri and Jean Elia, was then published in two parts in issues no. 640 and 641-2 of the magazine Filmcritica directed by Edoardo Bruno, between December 2013 and January 2014.

Coming Home

Alex Roman


USA / 6 mins
Jessie is returning home after being kicked out of his aunt’s house for being caught having sex with his boyfriend. Jessie is met at the train station by his childhood best friend Jacob. Sensing that his friend is troubled, Jacob tries to get Jessie to open up to him. Faced with outing himself to his best friend, Jessie has a decision to make.

Creo Te Amo
Creo que te amo

Miguel Ibarra


Mexico / 80 mins
Una película de temática gay mexicana, acerca de dos amigos íntimos, uno de los cuáles se enamora del otro, ya que es homosexual.

Dear Jiz 

Ms. Naughty


USA / 2 mins 
Genderqueer porn star Jiz Lee of the Crash Pad series quotes favorite fan mail in this experimental short. Setting: the bathtub.

Des Tics et des Tocs 

Jonathan Caouette


5:17 mins


Lauren Brim



Double Dosage

Brad Hammer


USA / 12 mins
Introduction of an erotic movie…

Drako Francisco Brives

Francisco Brives


Spain / 74 mins
Una historia sobre un hombre homosexual de una banda punk que maltrata a su novio. Próximamente estará la ficha.


Gabriela Zogall


Germany / 2 mins

Dry Tears Lagrimas Secas
Dry Tears /
Lágrimas Secas

Gregory Mata


Venezuela / 5 mins
"Cuando la Ignorancia se vuelve dolor no queda otra que llorar Lagrimas Secas"

E Quem é O Pai?

Daniel Diniz,
Luana Miguel


Brazil / 16 mins
Daniele is together with LamLam, Caroline with Manuela. Each of these couples raise one of Dani’s children, while Caroline is expecting her first baby. But who is the father?

El Ojo De Dios
El Ojo de Dios

Sebastián Freire


Argentina / 7 mins

Elza Forever / 
Eternamente Elza

Alexandre Figueirôa,
Paulo Feitosa


Brazil / 17 mins
“Eternamente Elza” acompanha o cotidiano e as memórias de Elza Show, travesti recifense dedicada a cantar as grandes divas brasileiras do rádio.

Ending the Straight World Order /
Hetero Dünya Düzenini Alt Etmek

Mads Ananda Lodahl


Turkey / 16 mins
There is a 90% risk that you will get in trouble with the straight world order at some point in your life. It is a system that puts masculinity, traditional gender roles and men at the top of the chart, and not only homosexuals, bisexuals and trans*people are at risk. If we can find ways to end or weaken the straight world order we would all have something to win. But of course some would have more to win than others.
Mads Ananda Lodahl has spend the last 10 years writing articles and books and giving lectures at schools, universities and festivals with the purpose of destroying what he calls the straight world order, and making life easier for everyone in conflict with it.

Enfine Marièes

Gaetano D’Auria


France / 15 mins
Non è il classico video di matrimonio. É un matrimonio tra 2 donne, Giuseppina e Raphaelle, che sono convolate a nozze dopo 35anni di vita insieme. Questo matrimonio rappresenta il lieto fine di una storia d’amore, ma anche il culmine di una battaglia sui diritti civili, politici e sociali delle coppie omosessuali.

F3cked Up /

Bettencourt Leonor Loureiro


Portugal / 6 mins
The problem. Such a yearning, that along the way you forget what you wanted and find something else not entirely fulfilling. The solution? Wanting less, or else… you F-uk up.

Facial Weaponisation Communique

Zach Blas


USA / 8 mins
Protests against inequalities surveillance technologies propagate, using "collective masks that are modeled from aggregated facial data, resulting in amorphous masks that cannot be detected as human faces by biometric facial recognition technologies.

Father Bless Us

Elene Naveriani


Switzerland / 12 mins
One morning Agnesh follows her lover Ana in the orthodox church, where they confront each other's personal and socio-political values.

Femmes A Tragedy
Femmes: A Tragedy

Gina Young 


USA / 113 mins
A contemporary lesbian adaptation of Claire Boothe Luce's 1936 play The Women.

Final Moments

Shadi Amin


UK / 25 mins
This groundbreaking documentary production shares proof, provided by more than 200 victims and witnesses, of the sexual torture of virgin girls prior to their execution at the hands of Islamic Republic prison authorities since 1979.

Engaging with Islam, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Muhsin Hendricks,
Latheem Nair


South Africa / 50 mins
This documentary explores the dilemma queer Muslims face when negotiating the troubled space between sexual orientation, gender identity and Islam. For the first time we have a documentary that not only explores the narratives of Muslims who are marginalized based on sexual orientation and gender identity, but also have professional psychologists, anthropologists, theologians and gender experts sharing thought provoking insights around the narratives; touching on critical issues of condemnation and how the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is always used as a blanket condemnation for homosexuality in the Abrahamic faiths.


Elizabeth Ramírez


Dominican Republic / 4 mins
Franz, un joven que tras la ausencia de Tom, cae en una profunda depresión. 

Freddy & Jay

Orvel Markovich



Getting Over Him

Alex Roman


USA / 4 mins
Matthew Keading is dealing with a break up by hanging out with BFF Jamie Sanders. The outing takes an interesting turn when Matthew and Jamie decide to take their friendship to the next level after getting cozy during a scary movie…


Marie Losier


France / 3 mins
Clip musical de Marisol Limon, tourné façon scopitone.


Lasse Persson,
Lisa Tulin


Sweden / 5 mins
A man and a woman are having sex in paradise. The man leaves for work while the woman heads for the hair salon. A quirky animation of a symbol-laden story about gender, power and sexuality.

Homecoming Queenz

Elias Wakeem


Palestine / 11 mins


Caroline Wang


Canada / 19 mins
“Howard” is a documentary about the filmmakers’ estranged Uncle Howard who was murdered in Yonkers in 1995.  The film uncovers his complex and conflicted life as a gay man troubled with piety and self worth, which drove him to success, yet, ultimately led to self-destructive behaviour and death. The story is intertwined with the filmmaker’s musings about the life/death of the Uncle she did not know in an attempt to comprehend what it means to have an estranged relative murdered.

I Feel Love

Brad Pruitt



I Ll Dance For You Ana Paula Olentino
I’ll Dance For You /
Pra Você Dançar

Ana Paula Olentino


Brazil / 22 mins
When a composer falls in love with a dancer, they forget to ask for names and addresses. But Julia, the composer, finds the school where Alessandra teaches and they start dating. But how far do they dare to go?

Il m'a Dit Qu'il Était Sero-Negatif

Stéphane Ly-Cuong


Dreaming about the prince charming…
A young gay man chats online several times with another man and before even meeting him, he makes great plans for the future of the two.

In May /
Al Maig

Eloi Biosca


1 min
Several boys calmly stripping in front of the camera. The title corresponds to the troubador song of the 12th century, “Calenda Maia”, the music of which features in the soundtrack. Its meaning is connected to the beginning of the month of May, which is the season in which nature begins to be luxuriant and sensual and, as such, refers to the moment of the consecration of spring and the awakening of love.


Wayne Hobdy


USA / 31 mins
InsideOUT is the story of a talented, ambitious, and inquisitive teen who after relocating to Atlanta becomes homeless and finds refuge in the home of a same-gendered couple.

J’ai Habité Cette Rue… Ou T’es Pas Mal en Niqab

Mehdi-Georges Lahlou


Belgium / 8:53 mins


Florian Richaud,
Daniel Varotto


France / 8 mins
Joan c’est quelques minses dans la vie d’un jeune escort. Joan, c’est le parler franc. Joan, c’est sensible. Mais « Joan c’est un bonhomme ».


John Saint Denis


From Impulse Group and The Advisorie, comes this artistic and educational short, a sexy portrayal of a couple taking the next step in their relationship, and the influence that knowledge, communication and compassion has on their deeper connection.

Kooky Haring

Chloe Tse


Australia / 2 mins
This animation played in front of hundreds at Club Kooky’s 18th Birthday, a LGBT party held at the Sydney Opera House as part of the Sydney Vivid Festival.


Ylvaa Johansson


Turkey / 15 mins


Anton Z Risan


Sweden / 3 mins
Två män möts i ett sug(gestivt) möte med en förlösande upplösning

L Autographe

Arnold Pasquier


France / 10 mins
An exchange, between Palermo and Paris, between a director who signs an autograph and his recipient who receives it, while listening to an excerpt of his favorite film. Shot on the sidelines of the Sicilia Queer Film Festival of Palermo where Paul Vecchiali was president of the jury, L'autographe is a meditation on trespassing, on cinema and its images that continue to reverberate in the heads and hearts of those who love it, even when the screening is now over. A heartfelt tribute to Paul Vecchiali, who passed away in January this year, and to the imperishable power of cinema. "Nobody dies", says the protagonist of Drugstore Romance, and it is death that makes it clear to her, just as the memory and work of a great filmmaker will never die.

La Importancia De Llamarse
La Importancia de Llamarse Satya Bicknell Rothon

Juliana Khalifé


Ecuador / 63 mins
La cinta de Khalifé retrata el caso de la pareja de lesbianas Helen Bicknell y Nicola Rothon de origen británico y residentes en Ecuador, quienes tuvieron dificultades para inscribir a su hija Satya con sus dos apellidos.
Satya nació en el campo, en la mitad del mundo. Helen y Nicola querían que ella naciera allí, en la paz de su hogar; querían que fuera ecuatoriana. Cuando Satya cumplió dos semanas, Helen y Nicola fueron a la oficina del registro civil ecuatoriano a inscribirla con el primer apellido de cada una de ellas. Su petición fue negada. Esta es la historia de cada una familia establecida en un país con una constitución que reconoce sus derechos, un estado que no los garantiza, y una sociedad dónde muchos aún lo niegan por completo.

Laio Daniel Grinspum

Daniel Grinspum


Brazil / 15 mins
Leandro is a teenager who wants to enjoy the night out with his friends. But tonight, all the hate accumulated by small daily aggressions is directed onto a fragile target. The film is a fictional reconstruction of a homophobic attack occurred in São Paulo, in which a group of teenagers used fluorescent lamps as their weapons.

Last Night Ontem A Noite
Last Night /
Ontem à Noite

Henrique Oliveira


Brazil / 22 mins
O filme narra a história de dois personagens que aparentemente ocupam espaços e posições contrapostas, mas que se tocam pelo viés do desejo. Sujeitos que escapam da vida planejada, Felipe e Vivian extraviam-se, põem-se à deriva e tem sua condição de vítima evidenciada por uma fatalidade.


Anthony Bessonnier



Les corps d’amour de Pasolini

Lionel Soukaz


France / 34 mins

Les Toilettes

Jimmy Salinas


Iceland / 17 mins
In the actual rhythm of our postmodern societies people live their lives in a state of constant anxiety with almost no time to cultivate an intimacy with themselves. Perhaps one of the few places where people can be without external expectations or pretentions is the bathroom. This short film presents a glimpse of what different persons do in the bathroom when there are alone and unmasked. Exploring their behavior, we discover how they deal with their miseries and desires, always in a search for releasing their anguish of life.

Living Dangerously:
Gays and Lesbians in Uganda

Deutsche Welle


Germany / 12 mins
Same-sex relationships are illegal in Uganda, punishable with up to 14 years in prison. Parliament has even discussed the possibility of introducing tougher sentences. A DW reporter accompanied a group of homosexual activists who are fighting for their rights despite the dangers.

Lot's Wife

Anna Okrasko


Germany / 5 mins
"Lot's Wife" (2013) is a fictional documentary depicting a selection of public sculptures located in the former East Berlin. Through the work of the camera, portraying statues depicting naked women, the video narrative explores notion of belonging and distance. The film is conducted by a poetic voice-over commentary: a female voice speaking English with a very noticeable German accent.

Love Exercise

Fuyuhiko Takata


Japan / 13 mins

LSB The Series

Geraldine Ottier,
Floriana Buonomo


Italy / 60 mins
LSB The series is an Italian webseries. The show depicts a group of lesbians living in Roma. We follow the daily life of roommates and friends who try to come to terms with society, prejudice and sometimes with doubt about their identity.

LSB è la prima web serie Italyna dedicata alle ragazze lesbiche di ultima generazione. Roma, università, vita tra coinquiline, amori che cominciano a fare i conti con la società, il pregiudizio e spesso anche con il dubbio sulla propria identità.

Ma Dove Vivi? (2’50”)
Purple Rain (3′04”)
Intolleranza Elementare (4′55”)



Spot realizzati nell’ambito del Progetto IMMAGINA.
Finanziato dal “Bando per la diffusione della cultura di parità e del principio di non discriminazione nel sistema educativo e nel mondo del lavoro”.

Madonna and Child

Iqrar Rizvi


Canada / 3 mins
In Madonna and Child, the director and co-performer swap genders and engage in the action of breast-feeding. Featuring Rosalie H. Maheux.

Mario Wirz Rosa Von Praunheim
Mario Wirz

Rosa von Praunheim


Germany / 15 mins
Six weeks before his death from cancer, poet Mario Wirz takes a walk with his friend Rosa von Praunheim during which he candidly shares his final thoughts on, among other things, the power of love and positive thinking: ‘Let’s live!’

Martin Y Federico
Martín y Federico

Juan José Gaviria Arias


Colombia / 15 mins
Federico takes his boyfriend of 5 years Martin on a roadtrip to Santa Fé de Antioquia to further explore their feelings and discuss their future.

Memoramdun in Memoriam

Luis Arellano,
Carlos Maldonado


El 14 de octubre del 2009, se presenta en el Parlamento de Uganda la The Anti Homosexuality Bill, una ley que criminaliza todavía más la homosexualidad, algo ya contemplado y penado en el Código Penal de origen colonial. Las Draconianas sanciones contempladas en la nueva ley por practicar la homosexualidad o promocionarla incluyen la Pena de Muerte y la Cadena Perpetua.


Estefany Aceves,
Rocke Killingan


Mexico / 12 mins
Michelle es un joven con trastorno de dismorfia sexual. 


Iris Moore


Canada / 4 mins
The audience gets more than they bargained for in this playful animation about gender and sexuality.

Moments of Solitude /  Momentos de Soledad

Emmanuel Ramos Barajas



Mucho Gusto, Senora

Daniel López Romo


Mexico / 8 mins
A widow 50 y.o. faces the fact that her only son is gay to know your partner in preparing a meal for them. A story about the confrontation between the unconditional love of a mother for her child and personal morality that prevents him from accepting present situation however much she try.

My Name Is /
Yo Me Llamo

Eduardo Aguilera Pinto


Bolivia / 5 mins
Victor knows what he wants and will do anything to get it, whatever that may bring along.

Neighbors from behind /
Os vizinhos de trás

Arthur Leite,
Rafael Saar


Brazil / 16 mins
The neighbors from behind, the kittens of Peter, the substance of illusion. For example, the art of Luís Capucho, misplaced and immeasurable.

Neil & Bob

Orvel Markovich



Niño Bien

 Wincy (Edwin Oyarce)


Chile / 10 mins
Marta, lleva a su hijo José de 14 años, hasta un peladero en donde los esperan Aníbal y Victoria, una pareja aristocrática de apariencia conservadora y religiosa, quiénes pretender comprar al adolescente con el fin de educarlo

Ordinary Life Aleksandar S Kalezic
Ordinary Life /
Život običnog tempa

Aleksandar S. Kalezić


Serbia / 7 mins
A story of a secret love between two girls and hiding one's sexual identity.

Peaches and Jesper are on a boat, who stays afloat?

Marie Losier


France / 5 mins
À la Biennale de Venise, Peaches et son doux compagnon sont sur une gondole...


Dário Pacheco,
José Gonçalves


Portugal / 12 mins
Pedro is the base, the rupture and the passage.
Pedro is what lasts from the turned bodies, is the encounter.
Pedro is who’s longing, who desires or rejects.
Pedro is a politic body.
Pedro is the going and the arriving name.
Pedro is the defeat and the victory.


Jim Sütter


Netherlands / 7 mins
A tourist has a heated encounter with a stranger during a stopover at a gas station.

Plan B /

Gus Stevaux


Brazil / 15 mins
Two guys get together in an apartment. It looks like they’re having a romantic evening. But this also looks like a mere illusion. Between ‘me’ and ‘another one’, there’s the paradox: how to care for a relationship in a world designed for individuals?

Planeta Tierra

Quiela Nuc


Spain / 13 mins
Planeta Tierra son Berta y Leonor, protagonistas de esta historia. Cuerpos celestes cubiertos por una coraza que se agrieta y resquebraja cuando las fuerzas acumuladas en su interior alcanzan la superficie.


Marco Berger


Argentina / 14 mins
Después del almuerzo, un chico adolescente descubrirá el interés que le despierta el novio de su hermana, mientras éstos se encuentran descansando en la cucheta de abajo durante la siesta.

Radical Faeries

Danielle Levitt


USA Definitively speaking, The Radical Faeries (also Faeries and Fae) are a loosely-affiliated, worldwide network and counter-cultural movement seeking to reject hetero-imitation and redefine queer identity through spirituality. Figuratively speaking they are a group of the most creative, energetic, and mystical men Danielle has ever had the chance to photograph. Their chameleon aesthetic alone was enough to wow for hours. Couple that with their intensely positive nature, and this shoot was truly one of the most unique of Danielle’s journey.

Robert Frank

Lasse Långström aka Antiffa Vänsterfitta 


Sweden / 6 mins
Penetrating the male genius, filling up the void inside him. The void inside the male art professor is finally filled.


Wu Shang-Yu


Taiwan / 14 mins
He makes up a place that doesn’t exist, ROMA, and invites him to go on a journey for it. It is the beginning of summer. Two guys ride a scooter. Mostly in silence, sometimes accompanied by one’s humming. What will they eventually discover about ROMA?

Scene Eloise Sherrid

Eloise Sherrid


USA / 4 mins
A stream-of-consciousness study on sensuality and trust in a queer rope kink scene.

Sebastiens Night Out Konstantinos Menelaou
Sebastien’s Night Out

Konstantinos Menelaou


UK / 3 mins
Sebastien is haunted by a voice that confesses betrayal. He reluctantly grooms himself, getting ready for an evening of sex. The short film is about the numb post-relationship space, a melancholy caused by regret or disappointment.

Sex, Medicated, Rock&Roll

Anatoly Belov


Ukraine / 11 mins
The film depicts the story of a love triangle that forms between a pair of young Ukrainian hipsters and a little older than them foreigner - an artist who came to Kiev for the Artist-in-Residence program to complete the project Happiness, dedicated to the study of what is happiness for the citizens of Ukraine, what it means to them, and in what manner they are trying to achieve it. The love arrangement turns into a closed group of friends – researchers, who support each other in quests, during which they meet different people with whom they share their ideas of happiness, explore their sexuality, and exceed all kinds of cultural and social taboos.

Shark Tubarao Leo Tabosa
Shark /

Leo Tabosa


Brazil / 13 mins
The film covers one day in the life of Dale Marshall, American, 62 years old, homosexual, who has been living in Brazil for 25 years. He has to cope with the loss of his partner of 15 years, who passed away after a shark attack.


Dan Fry


Australia / 14 mins
A story about a witch, her husband and his gay lover. When religiously raised Kate decides to deviate away from her stringent, religious and conservative upbringing to allow her husband’s gay lover to move into their home so that they can work through it, little did she know that some strong regrets would start to prevail through her new liberal approach on such matters. In a desperate bid to find a solution, she turns to her peculiar concoction of a shrine to teleport, converse and meditate her way to the end of the tunnel, and in the process finds herself embarking on a course of very strange rituals to lure her man back.

Some Days Before and Others After /
Alguns Dias Antes e Outros Depois

Nicolas Thomé Zetune


Brazil / 7 mins
”Primeiro de dezembro do ano passado, meu amigo me ligou falando que ia se matar.”

”Last year, December 1st, my friend called me saying he was going to kill himself.”

Spiderman Tango

Felipe Hsieh


What happens in Malevos Tango School when no one is around...


Leo Correia De Verdier,
Roger Ericsson


Sweden / 5:18 mins
Leo plays music on her sewing machine. Stygn is a kind of music video for the song of the same name. From the concentration of everyday work comes music and through it the doors open to a reality where unicorns might exist and look at you with serious eyes, even if they look a bit homely. Since its invention at the end of the 18th century, the sewing machine has become one of the world’s most common instruments. Millions of people play their sewing machines every day, but, perhaps because of the low status of the instrument, few of them have taken their musicianship to a professional level and presented it to an audience.

Taking Our Chances

Matthew Feliss


USA / 54 mins
The film is comprised of 20 very personal interviews with gay men living in San Francisco—all of them 32 or younger - who Matthew either knew personally, had met online, or just out on the street. The first part of the film is set up as a kind of sexual cartography which tries to “map out the rough contours of sex,” what turns these guys on, who they have sex with, why do they have sex, etc. And then it moves on to explore how HIV fits within that map, how the picture gets complicated, where fear and ignorance enter the picture, where HIV is close in proximity, and what the circumstances around some folks’ seroconversion were.

That Friday /
Ese Viernes

Luciano Barreda


Argentina / 9 mins
Muy pocas veces sentimos, desde el preciso instante en que abrimos los ojos, que el dia sera diferente. Eso me paso a mi ese viernes. Ahora ya nada sera igual.

The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived

Ida M. Schouw


8 mins
Raised on a pumpkin farm, Cedric grows up to be a knight and must complete some difficult tasks, like battle a fire-breathing dragon and save the prince and princess. When Cedric is honored by the king and queen, the princess offers herself up (because that’s just the polite thing to do when a knight saves you). But Cedric has other plans — plans to settle down with the prince.

The Cake Factory - Hummingbird Cake /
La Fábrica De Tortas - Pastel De Colibri

Jessica Praznik


Argentina / 9 mins

The Choreopornography Trilogy

Quintet (2013 - 22 min)
Sonata (2015 - 10 min)

David Bloom


A group of professional contemporary dancers in Berlin, who are also explorers of conscious sexuality, are invited by the choreographer David Bloom to use their experience making dance pieces to research and question the border between pornography and art in this short film.
How much sexual explicitness is allowed into a “serious” artistic dance piece? And how much time and space are allowed in pornography?
This is also a tribute to the experimental and sex-positive atmosphere of Berlin in the early 21st century, Quintet and Sonata bring together work with dance, movement & conscious sexuality to create a unique erotic visual experience.

The Gift /

Pradipta Ray


India / 30 mins
Set in the world of the transgender community of Calcutta, the story traces the upheaval caused in the life of a transgender activist, Ranjita, when a close friend, Shouma, comes calling. Struggling to come to terms with his own identity as a homosexual man, Shouma lets loose the demons of his insecurities onto Ranjita and her community.

The Grindr Project

William Means


USA / 34 mins
A short documentary about the wonderfully taboo little app known as "Grindr" and the people who use it.

The Irreducible Difference of the Other

Vivienne Dick


Ireland / 27 mins
What it means to be human in a world orientated towards war, terror, and consumption? Franco-Irish actress Olwen Fouéré tries to answer this by inhabiting the personas of Antonin Artaud and Russian poet Anna Akhmatova. Key historical moments are referenced, including opposition to the Iraq war, the Arab Spring and recent anti-austerity protests, proclaiming the desire for a world which is more balanced, and which focuses less on exploitation and destruction.

The Reborn

Nazanin Golban


Italy / 16 mins
The Question is the first episode of a trilogy which talks about a Statue revive & tries to communicate with the others. She tries to talk with them by her singing but No one talks! She is disappointed but keeps searching and at the end of this episode gets out of the place she came to life, from…

The Strangest Nest Um Estranho Ninho
The Strangest Nest /
Um Estranho Ninho

Matheus Heinz


Brazil / 15 mins
Ciça Cyborg e Rúbia Mutt só queriam ter uma boa noite de sono, mas acabaram conseguindo algo a mais, tornaram-se mães… ou pais?

Ciça Cyborg and Rúbia Mutt just wanted a good night’s sleep, but ended up getting something else, they’ve become mothers… or fathers?

The Sugarcane /
El Cañaveral

Samuel López


El Salvador / 58 mins
Fearing for his life, Joaquín, a member of the HIV+ gay community and a Salvadorian political activist, sets in motion a desperate attempt to seek asylum in Canada. With a deportation order hanging over him, Joaquín is given a reprieve by a Federal Judge who orders a judicial review of his case. Six months later, Joaquín receives a letter in the mail summoning him to a meeting with an immigration officer at the Border Agency on Airport Road. They have a response for him and he must come in person. On the way to the meeting, Joaquín is not so sure he’ll get a positive answer.

The Turkish Boat Chris Belloni
The Turkish Boat

Chris Belloni


The Netherlands / 56 mins

The Unheard Voice

Santa Khurai


India / 30 mins


Mitch Mitchell


USA / 2 mins
A young person’s struggle with self images.

Times Change

Matt Wood,
Gregory Vannoy



Training /

Eloi Biosca


Spain / 10 mins
Two men practicing.

Trans Ur Sofia Saunier

Sofía Saunier


Uruguay / 29 mins

Two Boys /
Dos Chicos

Juan Manuel Fernandez Torres


Spain / 16 min

Two Cameras

Matthew Fox


UK / 2 mins
Two Cameras is an experimental short that uses split-screen and ultra-wide aspect ratios to frame the story of a photographer who becomes the target of another photographers interest.

Ubi Tu Gaius Ego Gaia

Matteo Tortora


Italy / 17 mins
During the nineteenth century, in a village not far from Florence, a catholic priest used to celebrate marriages between all kinds of couples, also same sex couples.

Una Especie Vegetal

German de Diego


Spain / 4 mins
Mario feels different from his own species and has created an alternative world with some very special beings.

Unexplained As Yet

E. Hearte


Canada / 3 mins


Hinni Huttunen 


Sweden / 4 mins
Eine Nachahmung von Edgar Degas Kunstwerk La Toilette. Eine Frau bürstet konzentriert ihr Haar - jeder Haarstrich ist durchdacht.

Vorrei Ma Non Posso
Vorrei Ma Non Posso

Enzo Facente


Italy / 60 mins
I matrimoni al Pride di Torino, le cartoline per il Presidente Napolitano, le associazioni coinvolte, le spose e gli sposi, le interviste ai politici, le conferenze stampa, i tanti Pride Italyni. Il documentario si apre con le immagini della prima manifestazione svoltasi in Italy (1980) nella quale, sulla pubblica piazza, si sposarono provocatoriamente tra uomini e tra donne.

Want Some Oranges

Goodyn Green


Denmark, Germany / 14 mins
Pregnant performer/artist/sex worker Sadie Lune teams up with sexy ginger Zoë Challenger for a heated encounter of two bodies.

We Are the Women

Fuyuhiko Takata


Japan / 5 mins

We Live in Fear

Katherine Fairfax,
Malika Zouhali


South Africa / 12 mins

Work Out

Jonathan David Smyth


USA  / 3 mins
A silent, experimental presentation that is every relationship you've ever had.


Eliezer Pérez Angueira


Cuba / 13 mins
Adriano, Rafael and Rosa seem to find the partner of their dreams, but it is not what happens in reality; another will be the end of these three stories that are linked by the desire of the protagonists

You Don’t Become What You Already Are /
Le Deuxieme L D’emilie

Sabine Kuentz


France / 48 mins

Tags: Cee Gee Triple Eye