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Jeffrey Tambor Speaks Out...

Transparent Tambor

Following his termination from Transparent, Jeffrey Tambor responded...

“I am profoundly disappointed in Amazon’s handling of these false accusations against me. I am even more disappointed in Jill Soloway’s unfair characterization of me as someone who would ever cause harm to any of my fellow cast mates

In our four-year history of working together on this incredible show, these accusations have NEVER been revealed or discussed directly with me or anyone at Amazon. Therefore, I can only surmise that the investigation against me was deeply flawed and biased toward the toxic politicized atmosphere that afflicted our set. As I have consistently stated, I deeply regret if any action of mine was ever misinterpreted by anyone and I will continue to vehemently defend myself. I also deeply regret that this ground-breaking show, which changed so many lives, is now in jeopardy. That, to me, is the biggest heartbreak.” – Jeffery Tambor

The #MeToo movement really has to address this whole 'guilty until proven innocent' debacle...accusation are just accusations, not criminal charges!

Think about it...if a false accusation was made against you, how would you feel?